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How do I manage my phone numbers?
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Where do I manage my phone numbers?
You can manage your phone numbers in the call harbor portal. Starting on the main menu. Press the inventory icon (1) and then select the phone numbers tab. (2)

On this page, you will see a list of numbers in your domain. You can edit one by clicking on the pencil button next to the number

This will open a window that will allow you to edit the number.

(A) This is the number you are editing.
(B) You can use this toggle button to turn on and off time frames. Time frames let you change the treatment of the number based on time and date. You can find more information on the How do I use time frames? section.
(C) This is the treatment for the number it tells the system what to do when someone calls the number. You can change the treatment with the drop-down menu.

(D) This field will change depending on the treatment. It is where you will enter the number or extension you want calls to be sent to.
(E) This field is the caller ID prefix. This allows you to tag calls that come through this number. Whatever you put in this field will be added on from of the calls caller ID.
(F) You can use this field to change the enable date for the phone number.
(G) This is a p[lace where you can add a description for the number. like the main line, or Karen's number. If you have to temporarily change a number it's a good idea to put how the number was originally set up in this field.

How do I set my phone number to go to a User?
To set your phone number to go to a user you want to select user from the treatment dropdown menu (1) and then you want to enter the extension for the user's extension in the felid below (2).

How do I set my phone number to go to a Conference
To set your phone number to go to a conference bridge you want to select conference from the treatment dropdown menu (1) and then you want to enter the extension for the conference bridge in the felid below (2).

How do I set my phone number to go to a Call Queue
To set your phone number to go directly to a call queue you want to select Call Queue from the treatment dropdown menu (1) and then you want to enter the extension for the CallQueue in the felid below (2). In addition, you have the ability to select if the call queue announces the average wait time or the average number of callers in the queue (3).

How do I set my phone number to go to a Voicemail
To set your phone number to go directly to voicemail you want to select voicemail from the treatment dropdown menu (1) and then you want to enter the extension for the voicemail in the felid below (2)

How do I set my phone number to go to an Auto Attendant
To set your phone number to go to a user you want to select auto attendant from the treatment dropdown menu (1) and then you want to enter the extension for the auto attendant in the felid below (2)

How do I set my phone number to go to an outside phone number
To set your phone number to go to a different phone number you want to select PSTN from the treatment dropdown menu (1) and then you want to enter the phone number in the felid below (2)

What is a Caller ID prefix?
A caller ID prefix is a tag or message added onto the front of a caller's caller ID. They can be used to track incoming calls. For example, maybe you have two numbers. One for a barbershop and one for a sawmill. You can barbershop as a caller ID prefix to the barbershop phone number that way any calls to the barbershop can be identified by the word barbershop in front of their caller ID.

How do I add caller ID prefix?
To add a caller Id prefix simply type what you want to show before the caller ID in the caller ID prefix field.

How do I use time frames with my phone numbers?
You can use time frames to route calls differently based on time of day. To enable this start by toggling the time frame toggle button to yes.

Next, you want to clock on the bottom right drop-down menu (1) to select a time frame and then click the plus button (2) to add it. If you don't have time frames in your system, none will show in the drop-down menu.

After you add your time frames you can click and drag them to change their order. You will want sort them more specific on top and more general on the bottom. The system will go top to bottom and follow the first active time frame. Default is always active, so if it is on top then only the default time frame will work.

Now you can set the treatment and extension for each time frame.

How do I add or remove a number in my domain?
In order to add or remove a number to your domain, you will need to email [email protected]. Make sure you let us know what the number will be used for and the requirements you have for it. For example if you need a specific area code or if you want it top spell out a word. Some times we have numbers available to be added right away, but if you have requirements we may have to buy you a number. Your support tech will let you know if there are any extra costs. If you want to remove completely remove a number from your domain, the process is the same. Email [email protected]

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