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Home > Web Phone and Progressive Web App > Send a SMS/Chat using the web soft phone or Progressive Web App (PWA)
Send a SMS/Chat using the web soft phone or Progressive Web App (PWA)
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1. Launch the web soft phone or PWA. 


2. Click the "pencil" icon that says "New Conversation" when you mouse over it.



3. Enter the phone number (without dashes or parentheses) where it says "Type name to see matches."



4. Click "add to group," then, once you've added all the numbers you would like to text, click the green checkmark.



5. Type the message you would like to send.



6. Hit "Enter" on the keyboard and the message sends, and a conversation is created in the Chat and SMS column



7. Click anywhere outside the chat bubble to pin it to the grid. To remove from the grid, click the "X." It will still be available in the Chat and SMS column history



8. To reopen a chat or SMS conversation, select it from the "Chat and SMS" column.



9. To add a number to contacts, or to delete a conversation, first: click the 3 vertical dots to open the options menu. (Deleting a conversation removes the history of past chats with that number)



10. Click Add to Contacts and then enter their information and click "save," their name will appear at the top of the text window.


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