- The Navigation Bar
- New Voicemail Messages Window
- Recent Call History Window
- Active Answering Rule Window
- Active Phones Window
- Profile
- Filter Contacts
- Search Contacts
- Message Contact
- Edit Contact
- Add Contact
- Delete Contact
- Import Contacts
- Export Contacts
Accessing The Portal
The portal to access and control your extension is known as the Manager Portal.
To login to the portal, please go to control.callharbor.com
Enter your login name and password
If this is not your first time accessing the portal and you do not know your login name or password, please click here.
If this is your first time accessing the portal and you have not received a welcome email to obtain your login name and set your password, click 'Are you a new user?' and enter the email address associated with your extension.
If you do not know the email address associated with your extension, please contact CallHarbor Support, including:
- Your Name
- Your Extension
- Your Company Name
The Navigation Bar
Use the Navigation bar to swap between tabs in the portal: Home, Messages Contacts, and Call History
Use the links in the Navigation bar to access different portals and apps, or update your profile
'Pay My Bill' will open the CallHarbor Billing portal
'Open a Ticket' will open the CallHarbor Support portal
'Knowledge Base' will open the CallHarbor Knowledge Base
The Apps dropdown:
- User Portal will open the Manager Portal
- Web Softphone will open the web softphone in a new window. For information on using the web softphone, please click here.
- Analytics is a premium feature and might not be available in your apps drop-down. For more information on analytics, please click here.
Please click here to learn about the profile.
New Voicemail Messages
You can listen to new voicemail messages by using the Play button. Please click here to learn about the other voicemail buttons.
Recent Call History
Recent incoming, outgoing, and missed calls will be listed in the Recent Call History
Clicking on a phone number will open the 'Call <number> using' popup
Use the dropdown to select the device to call with, or to enter a phone number. Once selected, press call.
Acrobits SIPIS is CallHarborUC. The popup may list either Acrobits SIPIS or CallHarborUC. Your desk phone will be listed as the model, for example "Yealink T54W"
A 'please answer your ringing phone and the call will be connected to <Number>' popup will appear across the top
The selected device will ring, and once answered, the call will connect to the number.
Active Answering Rule Window
The current active answering rule will be displayed in this window. It includes how the rule works.
To know when the time frame for the answering rule applies, hover over the name of the time frame in the dropdown
Selecting another time frame from the dropdown will reorder your answering rules, making the selected time frame the highest-priority answering rule.
To learn more about answering rules, please click here.
Active Phones Window
All registered devices will show in the Active Phones window
Status and Newsletter
Across the bottom of the page is an option to Subscribe to our Newsletter and Status Page.
Subscribing to the Newsletter is a great way to learn about new features as well as highlight current features of our system
Subscribing to the Status page will send an email alert if an issue occurs with the system.
The current System Status can also be viewed
For any of the changes to take effect you must click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The Cancel button will disregard any changes made.
First and Last Name
The first and last name associated with your extension. Updating this will change the name for your extension, but to have all the phones display the change, a resync will need to be sent to the phones. Please contact an Office Manager extension or CallHarbor Support to resync the names on the phones.
Set the timezone that the portal uses to display call information
Directory Options
Announce in Audio Directory
Checking the Announce in Audio Directory will list you in the company directory. Callers can search for your extension when routed to a company directory.
List in Directory
The List in Directory options controls whether your extension is listed in the Contacts in the Manager Portal.
Caller ID Information
Area Code can be updated. The Area code entered will be utilized if you dial a 7 digit number.
Caller ID cannot be updated through the profile. If your caller ID is not correct, please contact an Office Manager extension or CallHarbor Support to update.
Emergency Caller ID may not always match the Caller ID, as Emergency Caller IDs are tied to a physical address. Please contact CallHarbor Support to know what address is tied to your extension.
Change Account Security
Single Sign On
For Information regarding Single Sign On, please click here.
Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
Multifactor Authentication requires a code to be entered to log into the portal. Google Authenticator is the only available authenticator for multifactor authentication.
Setting multifactor authentication can cause issues with logging into the CallHarborUC app. Please do not set MFA if you use the mobile app.
New Password
Enter a new password to access the portal
Confirm New Password
Confirm the entered password
Current Password
Enter the current password set for the portal
Change Voicemail PIN
Enter the new PIN to use to access the voicemail system. Please do not set the pin to 1234 as this pin can cause a potential security risk to your extension
Call To Play
Call to Play will ring your extension to play the message.
A 'calling to play message' will popup across the top after clicking. Answer the call and the voicemail message will begin playing.
Forward will send the voicemail to another extension in the system. A phone number cannot be entered for the forward.
Enter the extension to forward to in the text box.
You can use the dropdown that appears to select the extension as well.
Forwarded voicemails will appear with a 'FWD' icon.
Download will save a copy of the voicemail to your computer.
Save will move the voicemail to the Saved folder.
Deleting a message will move it to the trash folder. Trash is emptied daily, so if a voicemail is accidentally deleted, it needs to be saved before the end of the day. Please click here for instructions on saving a deleted voicemail.
Call to Play
Call to Play will ring your extension to play the message.
Forward will send the voicemail to another extension in the system. A phone number cannot be entered for the forward.
Enter the extension to forward to in the text box.
You can use the dropdown that appears to select the extension as well.
Forwarded voicemails will appear with a 'FWD' icon.
Download will save a copy of the voicemail to your computer.
Deleting a message will move it to the trash folder. Trash is emptied daily, so if a voicemail is accidentally deleted, it needs to be saved before the end of the day. Please click here for instructions on saving a deleted voicemail.
Forward will send the voicemail to another extension in the system. A phone number cannot be entered for the forward.
Enter the extension to forward to in the text box.
You can use the dropdown that appears to select the extension as well.
Forwarded voicemails will appear with a 'FWD' icon.
Download will save a copy of the voicemail to your computer.
If a message was deleted that should not be, click the Save icon to move it back to the Saved Folder. To move it to the new folder, you will need to forward the message to your own extension
Save will move the voicemail to the Saved folder.
Chat and SMS
SMS not enabled:
If SMS is not enabled for your extension, only Internal Chat can be used. Internal Chat is used to message other extensions in your phone system.
To start a new chat, press New Conversation
A 'New Conversation' popup window will appear.
Enter the extension(s) you wish to chat with and press Start
SMS Enabled:
If SMS is enabled for your extension, you can send Internal Chats to other extensions and SMS/texts to Phone Numbers
To start a new chat, press New Conversation
A 'New Conversation' popup window will appear. 'Send SMS using:' should be present in the bottom
To change the SMS number used to send the SMS, click on the number
Select the Number to use.
If Chatting, enter the extension(s) you wish to chat with and press Start
If SMS, enter the phone number, and the window will update
For more information on Sending SMS, please click here.
For any of the changes to take effect you must click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The Cancel button will disregard any changes made.
Enable Voicemail
You can enable or disable the voicemail by clicking the checkbox next to the Enable Voicemail option. A check means voicemail is enabled and unchecked means it has been disabled.
- Sort voicemail inbox by latest first
- configure your voicemail to play the most recent voicemail message left as the first message you hear. If this option is not enabled the voicemails will be played in the order they were received.
- Announce voicemail received time
- configure your voicemail account to include the time the voicemail was left when checking messages.
- Announce incoming call ID
- configure your voicemail to read the caller ID number to you.
- Send email when mailbox is full
- Enabling this option will send you an email when you’ve gone over your mailbox data storage limit. Default is 25MB
- A full mailbox will prevent any new voicemails to be recorded, so we recommend this option be enabled
- Send email after missed call
- Enabling the Send email after missed call will email you each time you miss a call even if the caller does not leave a voicemail.
Copy to Extension(s)
Extensions entered here will receive a copy of all voicemails received by your extension. These are copies of the voicemail, if one is deleted (copy or not), the other will still be available.
Voicemail Transcription
A transcription of the voicemail will be included in email notifications if Voicemail Transcription is enabled.
If transcription is enabled and the transcriptions are still not available, please contact CallHarbor Support for assistance. Please include:
- Your Name
- Your Extension
- Company Name
In the Greetings section, you can:
Select Greeting
Play Selected Greeting
Play the currently selected greeting.
Download Selected Greeting
Download a copy of the greeting to your computer.
Manage Greetings
Add, Edit, Delete, or Download greetings
Add Greeting
Click Add Greeting, then Select Text-To-Speech, Upload, or Record
Enter your voicemail greeting script in the Message text box and select a voice from the Voice Dropdown. We recommend Jenny or Sara.
Use the play button to listen to the new voicemail greeting. If satisfied with the recording, click Save
Enter the name to assign to the Greeting in Greeting Name, and select the file using Browse. We recommend a .wav file
After the file is selected, click upload
Add a name to assign to the greeting. By default, your extension will be entered in the Call Me At textbox. The extension or phone number entered will ring after Call is pressed.
When the call connects, you will be asked to start recording after the tone and press # to save.
The call will end after pressing # and the voicemail greeting will be automatically updated.
To listen to the recording, please follow the steps to play selected greeting.
Download Greeting
Download a copy of the greeting to your computer
Edit Greeting
If Text-To-Speech, the script for the recording can be updated:
If uploaded, a new file can replace the current one:
If recorded, a new recording can be created
Play Recorded Name
Play the currently recorded greeting.
Download Recorded Name
Download a copy of the recorded name to your computer.
Manage Recorded Name
Update the recorded name
Select Text-To-Speech, Upload, or Record
Enter your name in the Message text box and select a voice from the Voice Dropdown. We recommend Jenny or Sara.
Use the play button to listen to the new recorded name. If satisfied with the recording, click Save
Cancel will disregard the changes
Select a file from your computer to upload to the system. We recommend using a .wav file
After the file is selected, click upload
By default, your extension will be entered in the Call Me At textbox. The extension or phone number entered will ring after Call is pressed.
When the call connects, you will be asked to start recording after the tone and press # to save.
The call will end after pressing # and the recorded name will be automatically updated.
To listen to the recording, please follow the steps to play recorded name.
Email Notifications
Enable to receive email notifications for voicemails. To learn more about email notifications, please click here.
Email Type
To learn about the email types available, please click here.
After Email Notification
To learn about the after email notification settings, please click here.
Contacts will display all added contacts for your extension
Filter Contacts
Use the drop-down on the left to select the type of contact displayed
All - all contacts, regardless of type
Favorites - all favorite contacts. Press the star next to a contact to favorite
Shared - shared contacts are contacts added by Office or Site Managers for the entire phone system
My Contacts - contacts added by you to your extension
Coworkers - contacts with a phone system extension
Departments - filter based on the department assigned to an extension
Sites- filter based on the site assigned to an extension
Available - extension contacts that are available to receive a call
Busy - extension contacts that are on a call or set to Do Not Disturb
Offline - extension contacts that are unavailable for a call
Search Contacts
Use the search bar in the upper left to search for a specific contact. If the contacts are filtered from All, the contact may not be available to find
Message Contact
Use the message icon to start a chat or SMS
Chat will be available for contacts with a phone system extension
SMS will be available for contacts with a mobile phone number
Edit Contact
Use the pencil icon to edit details about a contact
For any of the changes to take effect, you must click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The Cancel button will disregard any changes made.
Add Contact
Contacts added by you will only be available for use by your extension. For a contact to be added for the entire phone system, a shared contact must be added.
Basic Users cannot add Shared Contacts. Please contact an Office or Site Manager scope extension, or CallHarbor Support for a shared contact to be created.
Click Add Contact
Fill out all the necessary information for the contact.
For any of the changes to take effect, you must click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The Cancel button will disregard any changes made.
Delete Contact
Contacts that are added by you, can be deleted from the system. System contacts (extensions) and Shared contacts cannot be deleted.
Import Contacts
Contacts can be imported from Outlook, Google, or Apple
For instructions on exporting contacts from:
Outlook - please click here.
Google - please click here.
Apple - please click here.
Export Contacts
Export Contacts to upload to Outlook, Google, or Apple
Select the type of contacts to export:
Select the export format type:
For instructions on importing contacts to:
Outlook - please click here.
Google - please click here.
Apple - please click here.
Answering Rules
Answering rules are your extension’s call routing, as each rule states how a call should be routed. Answering rules are time frame activated, and the active time frame will determine the rule to follow. Multiple rules can fall within the same timeframe, so the answering rules follow a top-down order: the rule at the highest location with an active time frame will be followed by the phone system.
To learn about Answering Rules and the available options to set, please click here.
To learn how to add an Answering Rule, please click here.
To learn how to reorder your answering rules, please click here.
Time Frames
All time frames added to the system will be displayed; however, only time frames with blue text as the name will be editable by your extension.
Time frames are associated with answering rules, so changing a time frame will change when it goes into effect, and deleting a time frame will make an associated answering rule unusable.
Use the Edit button to edit a time frame
Use the X icon to delete a time frame
Use the Add Time Frame to add a time frame for your extension
Please click here to learn about Time Frame types
Once the type of Time frame is decided, please follow the steps here for adding:
Phones will display all phones added to your extension, registered or not.
The phone is registered
The phone is unregistered
<Ext>wp is always your web softphone device
<Ext>an or <Ext>ip is always your CallHarbor UC mobile device
<Ext>m is the old CallHarbor mobile app device
<Ext> is usually a desk phone
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon will display the name of the phone. If a different Emergency Caller ID is set for the device, it will be displayed in the Emergency Caller ID. Please contact CallHarbor support if you have questions regarding the Emergency Caller ID.
If you have a desk phone added, you may have the ability to edit your buttons.
Click the settings icon to access the button designer.
Please click here to learn how to update the buttons on your phone.
Please click here to learn about the available button types.
Call History
Call History will display all incoming, outgoing, and missed calls based on the filters set. By default, the last 24 hours will be displayed as the filter.
Filter Call History
Filter By Date
Select the date and time using the From and To fields
Filter By Caller or Dialed Number
Enter the caller number or the dialed number.
All calls that come from the caller number will be displayed.
All calls to a number will be displayed with dialed number.
Filter By Call Type
Call Types
- Inbound
- Outbound
- Missed
Call History Buttons
Each call record has different options available
Edit Contact
If the call was with a contact in your extension, you will have an Edit Contact button. Clicking this will open the 'Edit Contact' popup window
Make all necessary changes to the contact, then press Save
For any of the changes to take effect, you must click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The Cancel button will disregard any changes made.
Add to Contact
If the call was not with a contact in your extension, you will have an Add to Contact button. Clicking this gives the options: Create New Contact and Add to Existing Contact
New Contact
The caller ID name and the phone number used will be automatically filled out. Fill out any additional information, then press save.
For any of the changes to take effect, you must click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The Cancel button will disregard any changes made.
Existing Contact
Select the contact to update
The phone number will automatically be added to an open number field. Update any additional information or changes, then press save.
For any of the changes to take effect, you must click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The Cancel button will disregard any changes made.
If recording is enabled, the download button will be available to download a copy of the conversation to your computer.
If recording is not enabled, No Recording will show for the download button
If recording is enabled, the listen button will play the conversation in the portal
If recording is not enabled, No Recording will show for the listen button
Pending Conversation
Pending Conversation will be displayed for a call that was recorded, but the recording is still being processed by the server. Recordings take about the same amount of time to process as the length of the call, for example, if a call is 5 minutes in duration, the recording may not be available for at least 5 minutes. Sometimes the processing time can take longer than the duration of the call length. If a recording is still in Pending Conversation after waiting for the potential processing time, please contact CallHarbor Support, including:
- Your Name
- Your Extension
- Your Company Name
- Date and Time of the Call
- The Caller Number
- The Dialed Number
No Recording
No recording will be displayed if:
- Call Recording is not enabled
- The call originated from a call queue that does not have recording enabled
- The device used for the call does not have recording enabled
- Your extension does not have permission to listen to call recordings
If No Recording is displayed, but recording is enabled for your extension, please contact CallHarbor Support, including:
- Your Name
- Your Extension
- Your Company Name
- Date and Time of the Call
- The Caller Number
- The Dialed Number