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Home > Manager Portal > Call History > Exporting Call History
Exporting Call History
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One Time Export

To export call history, click the Export button on the right side of the page.

The Export button will export your call history based on your current filter.
You can learn more about filtering call history here.

Scheduled Export

To set up scheduled exports please contact support.
Scheduled exports can be done daily, weekly or monthly and are sent by email.
The default export time is midnight.

For daily exports, you are able to set the start time of the export.
This will be the starting time of the export and include the past 24 hours of call history.

For weekly exports, you are able to set the day of the week and start time of the export.
This will be the starting day and time of the export and include the past week of call history.

For monthly exports, you are able to set the day of the month for the export.
This will be the starting day of the export and include the past month of call history.

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