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Home > Manager Portal > Voicemail > Voicemail Greetings and Recorded Name
Voicemail Greetings and Recorded Name
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Access Greetings and Recorded Name


Recorded Name

Accessing Greetings and Recorded Name

Your Extension

1. Select Messages

If you are a Call Center Supervisor or higher, you may need to switch the view of the portal from the entire phone system to your extension only. To do this, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner, then select My Account

2. Switch to the Settings sub-tab

3. Scroll down to Greetings

4. For Next Steps, follow Greetings or Recorded Name.

Another Extension

1. Call Center Supervisor: Select the Agents Tab

Office/Site Manager: Select the Users Tab

2. Locate the extension to be updated. You can use the search function to search: Extension Number, First Name, Last Name, Site, or Department

3. Once located, click either the name of the extension or the pencil icon.

4. If name clicked: Switch to the Voicemail sub-tab

If pencil clicked: Select the Voicemail option from the dropdown

5. Scroll down to Greetings

6. For Next Steps, follow Greetings or Recorded Name.


In the Greetings section, you can:

Select Greeting

Play Selected Greeting

Play the currently selected greeting.

Download Selected Greeting

Download a copy of the greeting to your computer.

Manage Greetings

Add, Download, Edit, or Delete greetings

Add Greeting

Click Add Greeting, then Select Text-To-Speech, Upload, or Record


Enter your voicemail greeting script in the Message text box and select a voice from the Voice Dropdown. We recommend Jenny or Sara.

Use the play button to listen to the new voicemail greeting. If satisfied with the recording, click Save



Enter the name to assign to the Greeting in Greeting Name, and select the file using Browse. We recommend a .wav file

After the file is selected, click upload


Add a name to assign to the greeting. By default, your extension will be entered in the Call Me At textbox. The extension or phone number entered will ring after Call is pressed.

When the call connects, you will be asked to start recording after the tone and press # to save.

The call will end after pressing # and the voicemail greeting will be automatically updated. 

To listen to the recording, please follow the steps to play selected greeting.

Download Greeting

Download a copy of the greeting to your computer

Edit Greeting

If Text-To-Speech, the script for the recording can be updated:

If uploaded, a new file can replace the current one:

If recorded, a new recording can be created

Delete Greeting

Deletes the greeting from the system

Recorded Name

Play Recorded Name

Play the currently recorded greeting.

Download Recorded Name

Download a copy of the recorded name to your computer.

Manage Recorded Name

Update the recorded name

Select Text-To-Speech, Upload, or Record


Enter your name in the Message text box and select a voice from the Voice Dropdown. We recommend Jenny or Sara.

Use the play button to listen to the new recorded name. If satisfied with the recording, click Save

Cancel will disregard the changes


Select a file from your computer to upload to the system. We recommend using a .wav file

After the file is selected, click upload


By default, your extension will be entered in the Call Me At textbox. The extension or phone number entered will ring after Call is pressed.

When the call connects, you will be asked to start recording after the tone and press # to save.

The call will end after pressing # and the recorded name will be automatically updated. 

To listen to the recording, please follow the steps to play recorded name.

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