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Showing articles from voicemail tag

Voicemail Greetings and Recorded Name

Access Greetings and Recorded Name * Your Extension * Another Extension Greetings * Select Greeting * Play Selected Greeting * Download Selected Greeting * Manage Greetings Add Greeting Text-To-Speech Upload Record Download Greeting Edit Greeting Delete Greeting Recorded Name * Play Re…

Send Missed Calls to a Different Voicemail Box

Your Extension Another Extension Your Extension This section of the article assumes you are logged into the Manager Portal as an Advanced User or higher. If you need assistance with setting the forward or if you do not have an Answering Rules tab, please contact CallHarbor Support . If you do not know your log…

Star Codes / General Codes

Star Codes are codes that can either be called or dialed while on a call for a specific feature or function to happen. Star Codes can be used by any CallHarbor device: Physical Phone, Web Soft Phone, and CallHarborUC (Mobile App) Star Code – Use Case **<ext> – Intercom *<ext> – Direct to Voicemail (great for tra…

Change Voicemail Pin

From The Phone Through The Portal - Your Extension Through The Portal - Another Extension From The Phone 1. Click the Voicemail (envelope button) or dial 5001 2. Enter your voicemail pin 3. Press 5 to set current options 4. Press 1 to change password 5. Enter the new pin followed by # 6. Confirm the pin by r…

Check Your Voicemail

Checking Your Voicemail To check your Voicemail from your phone, you must not have a call on the line when attempting to check your voicemail * Dial 5001 or press the message button on your phone * Enter your voicemail password * Select the option to listen to new or saved voicemail Checking Another User's V…

Navigating the Voicemail System

To access voicemail you will dial 5001 on your phone, or press the messages key. You will then be prompted to enter your voicemail pin. Once inside your voicemail box, you will be presented with different options. The flow chart is a complete overview of the Voicemail System. Below are instructions on how to naviga…

Set Up Your Voicemail

First Time Accessing Voicemail * Dial 5001 OR *97 from your phone or click the message button on your phone * You will be prompted to record your name after you hear a tone; after you record your name press # * Then you will be prompted to record a voicemail greeting; after you are done press # * You are now don…

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