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Home > Manager Portal > Voicemail > Navigating the Voicemail System
Navigating the Voicemail System
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To access voicemail you will dial 5001 on your phone, or press the messages key. You will then be prompted to enter your voicemail pin. Once inside your voicemail box, you will be presented with different options. The flow chart is a complete overview of the Voicemail System. Below are instructions on how to navigate through the options.

If this is your first time accessing your voicemail box, please use Set Up Your Voicemail for instructions on first-time access.




Voicemail Main Menu

Press 1 for new messages
Press 2 for old messages
Press 3 to send messages

  • Press 1 to send a message to an individual (Each user extension is delimited by a # sign)

  • Press 2 to broadcast to all

  • Press 3 to send to a group

Press 4 to set call forwarding

  • Press 1 to change DO NOT DISTURB

  • Press 2 to set the forwarding destination

  • Press 3 to turn forwarding ON or OFF

  • Press 4 to forward to here.

Press 5 to set your current options

  • Press 1 to change your password

  • Press 2 to record your name

Press 6 to change greetings

  • Press 1 to record greetings

  • Press 2 to review greetings

  • Press 3 to select greetings

Press 7 to recover deleted voicemails



Press 1 for new messages

This will play voicemails that are in the new voicemail section. A voicemail that you have listened to may play in the new messages if you have not saved or deleted it. Please refer to the after listening to a message section below for options presented at the end of a voicemail message.


Press 2 for old messages

This will play voicemails that have been saved. A voicemail must be moved here by the process of saving the voicemail, otherwise, it will stay in the new. Please refer to the after listening to a message section below for options presented at the end of a voicemail message.


After listening to a voicemail, there are a few different options that are presented at the end:

1: Save
2: Repeat
3: Forward (please refer to Option 3 Forward below)
4: Delete
5: Next Message
6: Reply*
#: Finish 

*Can only reply to internal callers (other extensions)

Press 3 to send messages / Option 3 Forward / Send Message Menu

1: Send a message to an Individual
2: Broadcast to All
3: Send to a group
Messages that are forwarded are copies, and the original message will stay in your voicemail box


1: Send a message to an individual

  • You will be prompted to start recording and press # when finished. This is to add any additional information to send along with the voicemail message. If you do not wish to add anything, just press # to go to the next step
  • After pressing #, the message will play back. To confirm, press 2; to rerecord, press 1; to cancel, press 0.
  • Once the recording is confirmed, you will be prompted to enter the destination voicemail box. Enter the extension you are forwarding to.
  • The system will play the recorded name of the extension you have selected. If this is the destination voicemail box you are trying to reach, press 2; to reenter the destination voicemail box, press 1; to cancel, press 0.
  • A ‘Message Sent’ prompt will play. You will then be prompted to enter another destination voicemail box. You can continue to enter extensions, or you can not enter anything and it will return back to the menu of options presented after listening to a voicemail message.


2: Broadcast to All

  • Selecting this option will send a copy of the voicemail message to EVERY EXTENSION with a voicemail box enabled.


3: Send to a group

  • Sending to a group utilizes departments in order to properly send out the voicemail messages. If you do not have departments set up, please contact Support.
  • The prompts and process will be the same as the ‘Send a message to an individual’, however, the voicemail message will be forwarded to every extension that is a part of the same department as the extension selected as the destination voicemail box.
    • For example, if I forward a voicemail message to extension 100 which is a part of the Reception department, every extension also a part of the Reception department will receive a copy of the message.


Press 4 to set call forwarding

Press 1 to change DO NOT DISTURB
Press 2 to set the forwarding destination
Press 3 to turn forwarding ON or OFF
Press 4 to forward to here.


Press 1 to change DO NOT DISTURB

  • Press 0 to Disable DO NOT DISTURB: a prompt of “DO NOT DISTURB is now enabled” will play then return you to the forwarding menu
  • Press 2 to Enable DO NOT DISTURB: a prompt of “DO NOT DISTURB is now disabled” will play then return you to the forwarding menu

Press 2 to set the forwarding destination

  • Enter the phone number or extension you want to forward ALL calls to
  • A “Forward Always <phone number or ext>" prompt will play
  • Setting the destination will automatically turn on call forwarding

Press 3 to turn forwarding ON or OFF

  • Press 0 to turn off forwarding: a “Forwarding is now enabled” will play then return you to the forwarding menu. Will use the last set forwarding destination, use option 2 to set forwarding to a new destination
  • Press 1 to turn on forwarding: a “Forwarding is now disabled” will play then return you to the forwarding menu. Use this to turn off any forwarding turned on by option 2, 3, or 4


Press 4 to forward to here.

  • A “Press 1 to confirm” prompt will play immediately
  • Pressing 1 will play a “Forward always <device name>” prompt
  • This will forward all calls to the phone you are calling from
  • This is useful if you have a mobile app on your cell phone and would only like the desk phone or the mobile app to ring; you would call the voicemail system from the device you wish to receive all calls to and select this option.
  • If you use another extension to access your voicemail and use this setting it will forward it to the extension used to check the voicemail.

Press 5 to set your current options

Press 1 to change your password
Press 2 to record your name

Press 1 to change your password

  • Enter the new pin followed by #
  • Confirm the pin by reentering it followed by #


Press 2 to record your name

  • You will be prompted “Please record your name after the tone. Press # when finished”
  • The recording will playback, followed by “Press 1 to be announced in the directory or 0 to not be announced” Press 1 to have your extension accessible by the company directory, or 0 to not

Press 6 to change greetings

Press 1 to record greetings
Press 2 to review greetings
Press 3 to select greetings

Each greeting on your account is associated with a number. So if there are 3 greetings on your voicemail, they will be 1, 2, and 3.


Press 1 to record greetings

  • It will prompt 'Enter the number of the greeting you wish to record.' If you enter 1, or any number already associated with a greeting, it will record over the current recording. If you enter anything not already associated with a greeting, it will record a new greeting associated with the number entered.


Press 2 to review greetings

  • It will prompt 'Enter the number of the greeting you wish to review.' Enter the number of the greeting you wish to listen to; this is usually 1 unless you have more than one greeting.


Press 3 to select greetings

  • It will prompt 'Enter the number of greeting you wish to set.' Enter the number of the greeting.
  • You can have multiple greetings on your account, such as a standard voicemail message (1), and an out-of-office message(2). You can switch between them without having to re-record as long as you know which number the greeting is associated with.

Press 7 to recover deleted voicemails

This will access deleted messages, messages in your trash. Trash is emptied daily, so please retrieve all accidentally deleted messages immediately.

  • After listening to the deleted message, the options presented are:
    • Press 1 to save
    • Press 2 to repeat
    • Press 5 to go to the next message
  • An “End of Messages” prompt will play when all voicemails in the trash have been played.

If you do not know your voicemail pin you may reset this from within the portal, or reach out to CallHarbor Support.


For instructions on setting up for the first time, please review the following article:

Set Up Your Voicemail


For instructions on checking your voicemail from your desk phone or an outside number, please review the following article:

Check Your Voicemail


For instructions on checking your voicemail through the portal, please review the following article:

Check Voicemail Through the Portal

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