This article assumes you are logged into the Manager Portal.
An SMS number is needed in order to send SMS. Please contact CallHarbor Support to enable SMS.
Through the Contacts Tab
1. Select the Contacts Tab
If you are a Call Center Supervisor or higher, you may need to switch the view of the portal from the entire phone system to your extension only. To do this, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner, then select My Account
2. Locate the extension you wish to send a message to
3. Use the search bar to search for the extension if needed
4. Press the Message icon to the right of the contact row
5. Select the option with the phone number to text
6. An SMS window will appear
7. If multiple SMS numbers are assigned to your extension, you can switch between the SMS numbers using the Send SMS using selector
8. Type the message in the 'Send a message' text box
9. Press enter on your keyboard to send the message
Through the Message Tab
1. Select the Messages Tab
If you are a Call Center Supervisor or higher, you may need to switch the view of the portal from the entire phone system to your extension only. To do this, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner, then select My Account
2. Switch to the Chat and SMS sub-tab
3. Click New Conversation, or click into an already created thread
If you click into a conversation, Use Reply to send a new message. Use View All to return to all conversations
4. A New Conversation window is created
5. Enter the phone number you wish to message. Click the number in the drop-down to add and start the conversation.
6. The SMS window is updated and will display the phone number entered
7. If multiple SMS numbers are assigned to your extension, you can switch between the SMS numbers using the Send SMS using selector
8. Type the message in the 'Send a message' text box
9. Press enter on your keyboard to send the message
SMS Window Icons
This is the name of the contact you are sending SMS to
This is the type of message being sent: Chat or SMS
If you are not sending an SMS to a contact, the phone number will be displayed, and SMS will not be present under
This will minimize the conversation in the portal
This will close out of the conversation from being a pop-up in the portal
Click to call
Acrobits SIPIS is the CallHarborUC app. A desk phone will appear as the model of phone, for example 'Yealink T54W'
Pressing the three dots will give two options:
- Turn off notifications - you will not receive notifications for replies on this message thread
- Delete conversation - delete the conversation from the portal. Deleting a conversation is permanent.
The SMS number being used to send the SMS
Add emojis to message
Web Soft Phone
This article assumes you are logged into the Web Softphone or using the Progressive Web App (PWA)
An SMS number is needed in order to send SMS. Please contact CallHarbor Support to enable SMS.
Chat can be used to send messages to other extensions in the system.
Through the Contacts Tab
1. Select the Contacts tab
Full screen view:
Minimized screen view:
2. Locate the contact you wish to send an SMS
3. Click the name of the contact to open the contact details
4. Click the message icon
5. Select the SMS number to send from
6. A new conversation popup is created
7. Type the message in the 'Type a message' text box
8. Press enter on your keyboard to send the message
Through the Chat and SMS tab
1. Click "Chat and SMS"
2. Click "New Conversation"
Select a chat or SMS conversation from the "Chat and SMS" column to reopen the conversation card.
3. For sending SMS to a single number:
Enter the phone number (without dashes or parentheses) where it says "Add Contact"
Click "Add number to group"
For sending SMS to multiple numbers:
The numbers will need to be saved as contacts first, for information on Contacts, please click here.
Select all necessary contacts to start a group MMS, then click "Done"
4. If you have multiple SMS numbers assigned to your extension, use the "Send SMS using" dropdown to select the correct number to send from (the number the customer can use to text back)
5. Type the message you would like to send.
6. Hit "Enter" on the keyboard and the message sends, and a conversation is created in the Chat and SMS column
7. If you create the contact after sending an SMS, please log out and log back in for the conversation card to update to the contact name.
Before Logout:
After Logout:
SMS Window Icons
This is the name and phone number you are sending SMS to
Click to call with the web soft phone
Pressing the three dots will give five options:
- Turn off notifications - you will not receive notifications for replies on this message thread
- View in fullscreen - maximizes the conversation window to fill the space
- Call - calls the extension using the web soft phone
- View Contact - shows the contact details for the extension in the contacts tab
- Delete conversation - delete the conversation from the portal. Deleting a conversation is permanent.
This will close out of the conversation from being a popup in the web softphone
This will minimize the conversation in the web soft phone (move to back)
This will pin the window to your web soft phone. The window will be available even after a log out
Add emojis to message
Mobile App
This article assumes you have the CallHarborUC app downloaded, and have an SMS number set up for your extension. If you need assistance with downloading or need an SMS number, please contact CallHarbor Support.
For instructions on sending a text from the Call History tab of CallHarborUC, please refer here.
Through the Contacts tab
1. Select the Contacts tab
2. Locate the contact you wish to message and press the message Icon
3. A new message window is opened
4. Type the message and use the paper plane icon to send
Through the Messages Tab
1. Switch to the Messages Tab
IOS: Android:
2: Click the New Message icon
IOS: Android:
3: A New Message popup window will appear
IOS: Android:
4: IOS: Enter the phone number that you wish to text and press return on the keyboard to add the phone number as the recipient. If the phone number is not saved as a Contact, the phone number will be displayed in the blue recipient bubble
Android: Enter the phone number that you wish to text
IOS: Android:
If you entered the phone number, please skip to step 8
5: IOS: To select a Contact to text, select the plus sign
Android: To select a Contact, tap the contact from the list displayed
IOS: Android:
5a: IOS: Company will display extensions, shared contacts, and any contacts saved to your extensions. Address Book will display contacts from your cell phone contact list if permission is granted
Android: To switch between Company contacts (extensions, shared, added to your extension) and your cell phone's contact list, Select Web Service in the upper right-hand corner. Web Service will display Company contacts and Address Book will display cell phone contacts
IOS: Android:
5b: Company Contact Profile Pictures
IOS and Android:
This profile picture is displayed for other extensions in your system
IOS: Android:
This profile picture is displayed for shared contacts or contacts added to your extension
6: Locate the contact and click their name to select
IOS: Android:
6a: If the contact has multiple numbers associated with it, you will need to select the number that you wish to text
IOS: Android:
7: Once the contact is selected, you will be brought back to the New Message popup. If additional recipients are required, continue to select contacts/enter
IOS: Android:
8: Enter the message and then click the paper plane icon to send
IOS: Android:
SMS Window Icons
Return to all conversations
This is the name of the contact you are sending SMS to
The number will be displayed if not saved as contact
Pressing the three dots will give three options:
- Edit - allows you to delete specific messages from the conversation
- Call - calls the extension using the mobile app
- Contact Info - displays the contact info for the extension
Attach a file to your message